Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The protection of personal data is one of the most important concerns for this organization.
On a daily basis we strive to protect the privacy of the data you provide us and to comply with the current regulations on the protection of personal data.
The objective of this policy is to inform the interested parties about the different treatments carried out by this organization through the website and affecting their personal data in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.


The Organization ASOCIACIÓN OTG WEST EUROPE, domiciled in C/c/ Príncipe, 53 – 1º Oficinas 4 – 5, Vigo, Pontevedra, España with V.A.T.: G27802560, and contact electronic mail [email protected].



  • We will process your personal data provided through our web forms for:
  • To respond to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.
    To understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our web.
    Comply with legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
    To protect and exercise our rights or to respond to complaints of any kind.
    Submission of newsletters regarding the goods or services that make up the activity of the responsible person or news related to his activity.


  • We will process your personal data provided through our web forms for:
    The execution of precontractual measures in which you are a party in case you purchase or contract our goods or services.
    Manage and adequately provide the contracted service through this website.
    Carry out all the necessary steps in order to ensure the reception of the purchased product through this website.
    Administrative, accounting and tax management of the relationship established with our clients when they have hired us.
    To respond to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our contact channels incorporated in the website.
    To understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our web.
    Carry out quality surveys.
    To organize raffles.
    Submitting a newsletter on news related to the responsible person’s activity.
    Submission of commercial communications concerning the goods or services that make up the activity of the person responsible .
    Submission of commercial information concerning the goods or services that make up the activity of the person responsible .
    Comply with legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.
    To manage your data and to facilitate them, if necessary, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our business.
    To protect and exercise our rights or to respond to complaints of any kind.



The basis on which the processing of personal data by the organization is based is protected by:

  • The consent of the interested party:
  • To respond to requests, complaints and incidents transferred through our channels of contact incorporated in the website.
    Submission of newsletters regarding the goods or services that make up the activity of the responsible person or news related to his activity.

Refusal to provide your personal data will make it impossible to process your data for the purposes mentioned.

Legitimate interest of the treatment responsible.

  • To understand the behavior of the navigator within the web in order to detect possible computer attacks on our web.
    To protect and exercise our rights or to respond to complaints of any kind


The basis on which the processing of personal data by the organization is based is protected by:

The performance of a contract to which it is a party or the application of pre-contractual measures.

  • To correctly and adequately manage and provide the service contracted through this website.
    Make all necessary arrangements to ensure receipt of the product purchased through this website.
    The administrative, accounting and fiscal management of the relationship established with our clients when they have contracted us.
    The sending of communications related to the services, activities or events offered and/or developed by the organization.

The refusal to provide your personal data may lead to the impossibility of providing the requested service or manage the purchase of the product you want to purchase.

The data subject’s consent to:

  • The execution of pre-contractual measures to which you are a party in the event that you purchase or contract our goods or services.
    To attend the consultations, complaints or incidences transferred through our contact channels and to send the requested information.
    Sending commercial information relating to the goods or services that make up the activity of the person in charge.
    Sending of newsletters on news related to the activity of the person in charge.
    Carrying out quality surveys. To organize raffles.

The refusal to provide your personal data may lead to the impossibility of providing the requested service or manage the purchase of the product you want to purchase.

Legal obligation applicable to the treatment responsible.

To comply with the legal obligations that are directly applicable to us and regulate our activity.

In this case, the data subject may not refuse the processing of personal data.

Legitimate interest of the treatment responsible.

  • Understand the behavior of the navigator inside the web in order to detect possible computer attacks to our web.
    To administer your data and provide them, where appropriate, to external suppliers for the proper functioning of our business.
    To protect and exercise our rights or respond to claims of any kind.


The personal data provided shall be retained in accordance with the following criteria:

THE CIVIL CODE. Between 5 and 15 years, depending on the case, in accordance with the provisions of article 1964.2 of the aforementioned legal body.

THE COMMERCIAL CODE. For 6 years, according to article 30 of the aforementioned legal body. It applies with respect to commercial information related to (invoices issued and received, tickets, amendment invoices, bank documents, etc.)

THE GENERAL TAX LAW. For 4 years in accordance with articles 66 to 70 of the aforementioned legal body. Applies to information related to tax obligations.

LAW 10/2010, OF 28 APRIL, ON THE PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING AND THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM. For 10 years in accordance with article 21.2 of the above-mentioned Act.

All other laws that are applicable in each Autonomous Community according to the assigned or concurrent autonomic competences they have recognized at state level.


The web page does not make automated decisions neither create personal profiles.


During the duration of the treatment of your personal data, the Organization could share your data with the following recipients:

  • 1. Judges and courts, State security forces and bodies, and generally competent public authorities or bodies, where the person responsible has a legal obligation to provide personal data.
  • 2. Banks and Financial Institutions, in the event that you hire us.


The organization performs International Data Transfers that have an adequate level of protection and all the necessary guarantees according to data protection regulations. The authorization for such transfers is established in the RGPD and LOPDGDD, committing to obtain their express and unequivocal consent in the cases established in the aforementioned legislation.

The guarantees provided are:

  • Adequacy decision taken by the Commission.
  • Binding Corporate Rules (BCR).
  • The entity to which the data is transferred is adhered to the privacy shield. For more information go to the following link: Privacy Shield List.
  • Contractual type approved by the European Commission.
  • Code of Conduct.
  • Certification mechanism.
  • Transfers are made to entities located in United States of America and Ireland.


The data subjects may at any time exercise, free of charge, the rights of access, rectification and deletion, as well as request that the processing of their personal data be limited, oppose it, request the portability of these (where technically possible) or withdraw the consent given, and where appropriate, not be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including the preparation of profiles.

To this end, you may use the forms authorized by the organization, or write to the above postal address or email address. In any case, your application must be accompanied by a photocopy of your D.N.I. or equivalent document, for the purpose of proving your identity.

In the event that you feel that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not been satisfied in the exercise of your rights, can file a complaint with the Competent Data Protection Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency), through its website:

In compliance with Article 21 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, if you do not wish to receive further information about our services, can unsubscribe by sending an email to the address [email protected] with subject "UNSUBSCRIBE", or by clicking on the mail box *to unsubscribe*.


The data subject ensures that the data provided are true, accurate, complete and up to date; and undertakes to report any changes in the data provided, by the channels authorized for that purpose and indicated in point one of this policy. It shall be liable for any damage or injury, both direct and indirect that may result from the breach of this obligation.

In the event that the user provides third party data, declares that he has the consent of the interested parties and agrees to transfer the information contained in this clause to him, exemption of the organization from any liability arising from failure to fulfil this obligation.